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Monthly Archives: March 2013

So I sort of got the DNS issues figured out.  Still working out a few kinks, and playing with wordpress themes as well.

I setup another Raspberry Pi server here.  Currently it is running a python/flask microblog site called Flaskr that is used as one of the example projects for learning flask.  Code pulled from here.  I will be playing around with some python/flask code over the next few days to setup a project site, so these links may not be working from time to time.  I will post an update once it is ready.

Well, sort of.  Still playing around with the DNS settings at my domain name host as the url isn’t redirecting properly. It took a few attempts to get this up and running, largely due to my unfamiliarity with LAMP.  Some tutorials were better than others, but this was the one that I ended up using.

20130310 RaspberryPi Setup